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My open-source creations

It's a great feeling to be helpful to other fellow engineers. That's what drives me create these open-sourced solutions and demos.
Micro-Frontends Shop Demo
Micro-Frontends Shop Demo
Open Source
Module Federation

I created this demo version of a solution I implemented for a client. It's a composition of frontends and ways to connect and communicate between them easily. It's done by leveraging the Webpack 5 Module Federation technology.

React Native Background Location
React Native Background Location
Open Source
React Native

I created this demo version of a solution I implemented for a client. It's basically a system for background location with short intervals of wake ups implemented natively in Java for React Native applications.

Snipe-IT Docker Compose
Snipe-IT Docker Compose
Open Source

I assembled the necessary so that an instance of Snipe-IT (an IT assets management tool) could run in a docker-compose environment (since the documentation only had plain docker pages).

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© Copyright 2024 by David Alecrim. Built with ♥ by David Alecrim.